physical property
Sodium bromide chemical formula NaBr, molecular weight 102.89, density 3.203 g / cm (25 ° C), refractive index 1.3614, is colorless cubic crystal or white granular powder. No smell, salty and slightly bitter. Its melting point is 747 ° C and its boiling point is 1390 ° C. It is easily soluble in water and the aqueous solution is neutral. Slightly soluble in alcohol. The solubility of sodium bromide in 100 g water is 79.5 g at 0 ° C, 90.3 g at 20 ° C and 121 g at 100 ° C.
chemical property
Under acidic conditions, it can be oxidized by oxygen and free bromine. It can react with silver ions to produce light yellow solid silver bromide, can react with dilute sulfuric acid to produce hydrogen bromide, and can react with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce bromine. Bromine can also be replaced by chlorine, which is one of the processes of bromine extraction from seawater.